Monday, March 24, 2008

Seth's First Barbershop Haircut

Ok, I know what you are thinking - these aren't pictures of a haircut. Well, you are correct. The reason is: I didn't take any pictures of the first haircut! However, I did take pictures of the first oreo cookie that just so happened to have been eaten on the same day as the first haircut! Does that count? Plus, I was holding Seth on my lap, he was eating a sucker I was trying to keep out of his hair while he was getting the haircut. At the same time I was telling Marcus what a great job he was doing sitting so still and being so brave while getting his haircut! Did you see any possible way a picture could have been taken!?! You'll have to settle for pictures of the Oreo Cookie!


Wendy said...

Seth and refined sugar? How did that go? His haircut is adorable!

Heidi said...

very cute! it's o.k. michelle, you can't do it all!

Patti Smith said...

I love the oreo pics! His haircut looks good as well. I hear ya about not doing it all.

Laura said...

The Oreo picture of Seth is great!!!! And the fresh haircut is adorable.

Ritch in Love said...

Your boys are quite the handsome little devils! :)

Emily Call said...

cute pictures. love the haircut.

*** said...

Oh my...sounds like quite the event! Seth is looking so grown up now, how quickly they change. Way to brave that one by yourself :)