Monday, August 24, 2009

She smiles...

Lovey was born at 31 weeks (9 weeks early)
on August 12th at 4:40 am.
She was 3lbs 7 oz and 15 1/2 inches long.


Bekah said...

She is beautiful. I am kids are lucky to have that much hair on their first birthday, not to mention 9 weeks premature! Hope everything is going well!

Angie said...

She is so cute. All of her pictures bring back so many memories! Seeing her also makes me want to buy her tiny things!

The Larchars said...

That is so great you were able to catch a smile on camera! Precious! I STILL have a hard time getting those, even though Grace smiles a lot more now. That is a really special picture!

Red Head Family said...

She is so tiny!! I'm glad she is growing. Thanks for sharing.

Natalie Scherer said...

Hey Lovey, Aunt Natalie wishes she were there so she could put a bow in your hair.
I'm going to have to talk to your mother about this.
All that hair and no bow?

Patti Smith said...

Congratulations! I was just going through all my preemie clothes I had for Clara. She was only a few ounces bigger than your angel when she was born. Enjoy holding and loving her. She is an angel!